'Leitsätze des Allgemeinen Deutschen Neuphilologenverbandes' (guiding principles of the General German Association of Modern Philologists)

Restitution status: Heirs being sought

Categories: Manuscripts / Typescripts

Object Data




Inventory Number

H.I.N. 231890


Vienna - 1 sheet, typescript, handwritten corrections and notes, handwritten date, remark: Guidelines of the 'Allgemeiner Deutscher Neuphilologenverband' (General Association of Modern Philologists and Teachers of Modern Languages) for new regulations concerning the examination decrees for teachers at higher schools

Provenance Data


Former owner according to museum / collection

Elise (1865-1943) and Helene Richter (1861-1942)


Benefaction/donation/presentation from a private collection

Provenance according to museum / collection

In 1941 the librarian Christine Rohr took the archive of the Richter sisters into safe-keeping according to their wishes. When it became clear that they had not survived the Holocaust, Ms. Rohr gave the holdings to the City of Vienna in 1947, from where it was passed on to the holograph collection of the Viennese City Library ('Wiener Stadtbibliothek')


Viennese Commission for Restitution


Art restitution proceedings are pending.


The Art Restitution Advisory Board has established owners or their legal successors and has recommended to restore to them the art or cultural object.

Committee in charge

City of Vienna, executive city councillor in charge (municipal authorities)


No decision has been reached so far.


The art or cultural object is kept in the museum/in the collection.

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