'Sobranije socinenij'

Restitution status: No heirs to be found - utilization by the National Fund

Categories: Books and other printed items / Books / Further kinds of books

Object Data




Inventory Number



Moscow, 1927


20th Century

Provenance Data



Found in storage

Provenance according to museum / collection

Old holdings 1946


Art Restitution Advisory Board


The art restitution case is closed.


The Art Restitution Advisory Board has recommended the utilization of the art or cultural object by the National Fund.

Committee in charge

Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport


The body in charge has decided to hand over the art or cultural object to the National Fund for utilization.


The art or cultural object was handed over to the National Fund for utilization.


Cyrillic stamp, translation: 'Russian Club V.V. Vorovsky in Vienna'

At its meeting on 29 June 2023, the Art Restitution Advisory Board unanimously adopted the following resolution: The Federal Minister of the Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport is recommended to transfer the objects specified in the following supplements to this resolution from the Austrian National Library to the National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism to be sold and the proceeds used to benefit the victims in accordance with Sec. 2 (1) item 2 of the Art Restitution Act: 201 prints, 164 negatives (Uvachrome), picture archive and graphics collection and 793 positives, portrait prints, watercolours and hand drawings, picture archive and graphics collection, https://www.kunstdatenbank.at/files/content/kunstrestitution/rueckgabeempfehlungen/2023-06-29_Anonyme_Vorbesitzer.pdf.

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