'Ewiges Theater'

Restitution status: Dubiousness is still to be clarified

Categories: Manuscripts / Further manuscripts

Object Data




Inventory Number

Ser. n. 9944


Salzburg and its festivals. Signatures by various persons

Provenance Data



Found in storage

Provenance according to museum / collection

ZWB IV, fol. 66 v: 'Aus altem Bestand während der Kriegszeit 1939-1945 der Hss-S. zugewiesen (zur Aufbewahrung)' (Transfered to the collection of manuscripts from old holdings during wartime 1939-45 - for safe-keeping)


Art Restitution Advisory Board


The questionable nature of the provenance of the art or cultural object is being or has been examined by the museum/the collection/the Commission for Provenance Research. So far, the case has not been dealt with by the Art Restitution Advisory Board.


No recommendation has been issued yet.

Committee in charge

Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport


No decision has been reached so far.


The art or cultural object is kept in the museum/in the collection.


Printed dedication: 'Dieses Exemplar wurde gedruckt für Frau Martha Hirsch zur Erinnerung an ihre Anwesenheit in Salzburg im Sommer 1934' (This copy was printed for Mrs. Martha Hirsch in memory of her presence in Salzburg in summer 1934).

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