Design for a stained glass window for Glasgow Cathedral: The sacrifice of Noah

Restitution status: Dubiousness is still to be clarified

Categories: Paintings / Watercolours, Paintings / Further Kinds of Paintings, Drawings / Pencil drawings, Drawings / Pen-and-ink drawings

Object Data




Inventory Number



Pencil, pen-and-ink in black-grey, watercolour, covering colour, 1861, inscription, upper centre: 'No 2.' (pencil); on the arch above the coat of arms in the lower centre, a window with the device: 'I'll be Wary' (pencil). On reverse, below left: 'approved WCowper Nov 22/61' (pen-and-ink in brown), centre left: 'Blessed. be. the. Lord. God. of. Shem. Gen: C. 9. V 2b' (pen and brown ink), lower middle: 'Erected. in. Memory. of. Kirkman. Finlay. of. Castle. Toward. by. John. Alexander. Tr < ... > and. Adeliza. Finlay. 1862' (pen-and-ink in brown). The remaining inscriptions illegible due to the mount


52.1 cm


32.9 cm


Studies and sketches


2nd half of the 19th Century

Provenance Data



Assignment from the Federal Office for the Protection of Monuments (Austria)

Provenance according to museum / collection

Filiation: Kurt Köster, Hamburg. Mediated by Johannes Jantzen, Bremer Werkschau, Bremen, acquired from the so-called Art Museum, Linz (i.e. Hitler's museum project) in 1944. Transferred to the Albertina by the Federal Office for the Protection of Monuments ('Bundesdenkmalamt') in 1963 (Zl. 1274/63. Finally inventorised 1965). A report to the Commission for Provenance Research is available.


Art Restitution Advisory Board


The questionable nature of the provenance of the art or cultural object is being or has been examined by the museum/the collection/the Commission for Provenance Research. So far, the case has not been dealt with by the Art Restitution Advisory Board.


No recommendation has been issued yet.

Committee in charge

Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport


No decision has been reached so far.


The art or cultural object is kept in the museum/in the collection.

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