10 sketches of figures

Restitution status: Dubiousness is still to be clarified

Categories: Drawings / Pencil drawings

Object Data




Inventory Number

Neue Galerie II/6219


Pencil on paper / mounted on cardboard. Sheet: 5.67 x 9.57 in., card: 6.57 x 10 in. On reverse stamp: 'Nachlaß/Rudolf Alt, Nr. 21' (i.e. Estate/Rudolf Alt, no. 21)


14.4 cm


24.3 cm


Studies and sketches


1st half of the 19th Century, 2nd half of the 19th Century

Provenance Data



Assignment from the Federal Office for the Protection of Monuments (Austria)

Provenance according to museum / collection

In the inventory register, the origin of the drawing is defined as 'acquisition from the Office for the Protection of Monuments October 10, 1944'. An annotation 'Return Coll. Eisler' was later revised by the annotation 'November 3, 1977 in the collection'. According to current knowledge, the drawing seems to originate from a different previous owner and the classification under Eisler seems to have been an error.

Committee in charge

Styrian Provincial Government


No decision has been reached so far.


The art or cultural object is kept in the museum/in the collection.

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