'Mercks Wienn : Das ist: Deß wüttenden Todts ein umbständige Beschreibung in der ...'

Restitution status: Dubiousness is still to be clarified

Categories: Books and other printed items / Books / Further kinds of books

Object Data




Inventory Number

A 89325


125 pages


Salzburg : M. Haan, 1684

Provenance Data


Former owner according to museum / collection

Files: Acquisition following an offer (catalogue of antiquarian books, N.F.('Neue Folge'- new series) XXI: not extant) of the 'Lentner’sche Buchhandlung Dr. Ernst K. Stahl', Munich I, Dienerstraße 9, in January 1939


Acquisition from the art market/antique shop

Provenance according to museum / collection

Ex Libris 'Aus der Bibliothek von Wolfgang Richard Fischer, Hauptlehrer, Würzburg' (from the library of Wolfgang Richard Fischer, senior teacher, Würzburg). Personal number: R 3896. Personal entries by W. R. Fischer from 1909: Person not unambiguously identifiable. 'Robert Fischer' is a name which appears several times in the list of the Property Transactions Office


Viennese Commission for Restitution


The questionable nature of the provenance of the art or cultural object is being or has been examined by the museum/the collection. So far, no art restitution proceedings have been instituted.


No recommendation has been issued yet.

Committee in charge

City of Vienna, executive city councillor in charge (municipal authorities)


No decision has been reached so far.


The art or cultural object is kept in the museum/in the collection.

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