Das akademische Corps Austria in Prag 1861-1884: special edition for the 65th anniversary celebrations

Restitution status: Heirs being sought

Categories: Books and other printed items / Books

Object Data




Inventory Number

A 82437


Vienna, Self-published edition of the District Alliance Vienna, Old Gentlemen of the Corps Austria - Franfurt am Main, 1926

Provenance Data


Former owner according to museum / collection

Dr. Paul Kisch


Purchase from a private collection

Provenance according to museum / collection

book plate of Dr. Paul Kisch


Viennese Commission for Restitution


The questionable nature of the provenance of the art or cultural object is being or has been examined by the museum/the collection. So far, no art restitution proceedings have been instituted.


No recommendation has been issued yet.

Committee in charge

City of Vienna, executive city councillor in charge (municipal authorities)


No decision has been reached so far.


The art or cultural object is kept in the museum/in the collection.


Probably identical to Dr. Paul Kisch, born 19.11.1883 in Prague, deported to Theresienstadt in 1943, murdered in Auschwitz in 1944 (database of victims of the Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance). Note re previous owner: Files: Purchased from Walter Hummelberger in March 1950

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