David Hume's Traktat über Die menschliche Natur … 1. Teil: Über den Verstand

Restitution status: Dubiousness is still to be clarified

Categories: Books and other printed items / Books

Object Data




Inventory Number

Hauptbibliothek Sig. 52.756-B/1


Leipzig: Leopold Voss Publishers 1923 (4th edition corresponding with the 2nd edition)

Provenance Data


Former owner according to museum / collection

Dr. A. Schmid


Means of acquisition not clear

Committee in charge

The Office of the Rector of the Vienna University of Economics represented by the competent Rector/Vice Rector


No decision has been reached so far.


The art or cultural object is kept in the museum/in the collection.


Inside the book: handwritten signature "Dr. A. [Alexander] Schmid" ; date of inventorisation: 1 May 1942

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