Mutter Erde. Ein Versuch über Volksreligion

Restitution status: Dubiousness is still to be clarified

Categories: Books and other printed items / Books

Object Data




Inventory Number

Fachbereichsbibliothek Europäische Ethnologie, Signatur: I-1466


Leipzig [and others] : Teubner 1913, 2nd ed.

Provenance Data


Former owner according to museum / collection

Library of Dr. Foehr


Means of acquisition not clear

Provenance according to museum / collection

Stamp: "Bücherei von Dr.Foehr Nummer 449"


The questionable nature of the provenance of the art or cultural object is being or has been examined by the museum/the collection. So far, no art restitution proceedings have been instituted.


The Art Restitution Advisory Board has established owners or their legal successors and has recommended to restore to them the art or cultural object.

Committee in charge

The Office of the Rector of the University of Vienna represented by the competent Rector/Vice Rector


No decision has been reached so far.


The art or cultural object is kept in the museum/in the collection.


The identity of Dr. Foehr cannot be clearly established. The work was acquired between 1939-1945; however, no files on the acquisition are available.

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